Berkeley Invisalign

Berkeley Invisalign

Choosing adult orthodontics changes your performance at work, in social settings, and throughout daily life

Are braces just for adolescents? We don’t think so. Sure, the orthodontic process might be more difficult for adults, but ongoing changes to the face of straightening are transforming that. And the benefits you’ll see once you’ve unveiled your new smile will be well worth the effort.

Berkeley Invisalign helps teens and adults alike receive subtle, effective orthodontic treatment. Ditch the metal brackets and wires, without saying goodbye to a straighter smile – it all starts with a consultation. Schedule today, and read on to learn more about what you’ll experience after treatment.

Why Should I Straighten My Teeth as an Adult?

Whether you’ve had crooked teeth for most of your life, or have seen them shift into new positions in the last few years, you’ve been saddled with daily difficulties. By choosing to straighten your teeth, you decide to give yourself the best possible chance of personal success. Here’s why.

  • You’ll feel more confident – Crooked teeth are something that we feel we need to hide. This leads to us covering up our smiles and laughter, and shrinking from the center of attention. Once you’ve changed your smile into something you love, you’ll be ready to show them to the world.
  • You’ll be ready to take charge – Straighter teeth will improve your professional performance, as well as your social life. You’ll feel more comfortable drawing attention to yourself, and being the one in charge.
  • You’ll inspire positive first impressions – A 2012 study found that people were less likely to find strangers with crooked teeth appealing, interesting, or capable. Change the way they see you, and help your smile gain the message it deserves to convey.
  • You could improve your oral health – Straightening your teeth could help you improve your oral health, longer-term. Adding space between cramped, crooked teeth helps reduce the likelihood of those areas gathering plaque.
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