Oakland Dentist Clarifies the Dental Extraction Procedure

Oakland dentist dental extraction procedurePatients facing a dental extraction can be a bit nervous. The idea of parting with a piece of your body is a foreign one – but one that will ultimately do wonders for your oral health and smile. This week’s blog post finds our Oakland dentist expanding on the dental extraction procedure, and just what your extraction will be like. By becoming comfortable with the process, you will prepare yourself for your extraction and feel ready to go on the big day.

Oakland Dentist on Steps of the Extraction Procedure

  1. During the appointment prior to your extraction, we will take x-rays of your teeth and potentially of your head. The x-rays will differ in complexity depending on the tooth being extracted. If you are having a wisdom tooth removed, it will be important to have full panoramic x-rays so that we can know what your extraction will involve and how it will affect your other teeth / jaw structure.
  2. You may need to take antibiotics before your extraction if you have an infected tooth.
  3. Your dentist will discuss your anesthesia and preparatory steps beforehand; you may need to refrain from eating or drinking for a brief period leading up to your procedure. You may need to arrange a driver to take you home if you are sedated during the extraction.
  4. You will be properly sedated during your procedure and will feel no pain, only some pressure.
  5. If your extraction is simple: Our Oakland dentist will use an elevator to loosen the tooth, and forceps to remove it.
  6. If your extraction is surgical (if the tooth has not erupted and is still below the gum line), we will make a small incision to better access the tooth, then remove it.
  7. After the appointment, you will feel some discomfort as the area heals. Follow the care instructions we provide you closely, and please contact us with any questions you have.

That’s it! Your tooth has been extracted and you’re ready to move forward with your dental care. Not too complicated after all!

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